I haven't posted here in forever but since this is a relatively new 3D printer and i couldn't find too much useful information on how to use it in Cure I am putting my opinions on it and what I have been able to find out about the firmware.
I have a very limited experience with 3D printing, i have seen a few items and printed 2 items on an original Ultimaker. This other day i saw a 3d-printer that not only fits inside an original IKEA Kallax shelf (I am a Swede, of cause I have lots of IKEA furniture) but also fitted inside my "stupid ideas that might go nowhere" budget, the Easythreed NANO. Being literally the cheapest 3D-printer that I have ever seen I didn't have high hopes for it. The bed comes sort of pre-leveled it was a bit to high so the first layer gets a bit to squished, I should fix that someday... The verdict after two prints and without having re-leveled it and not really played with the settings is "no it isn't stellar, but it prints". You won't get nice sculptures that you can put on display without any after-treatment unless you are after that rough 3D-printed look.
It comes with 250g of white filament, which sadly doesn't really lend itself to a good photo of the surface finnish.
Weirdly enough it comes with both its own slicer-frontend and Cura, weird because Cura doesn't come with a profile for the printer. Instead we have to use EasyTreed Nano slicer software. What gets really strange is that the custom slicer from EasyTreed installs its own instance of Cura that is then called when you press "Slice" in the UI. Cura is called with the following argument-list so creating your own profile in Cura should be easy. I haven't actually tested it in cura-profile but "it should work".
-s coolHeadLift=0
-s downSkinCount=6
-s enableCombing=1
-s extrusionWidth=400
-s fanFullOnLayerNr=1
-s fanSpeedMax=100
-s fanSpeedMin=100
-s filamentDiameter=1750
-s filamentFlow=100
-s infillOverlap=5
-s infillSpeed=20
-s initialLayerSpeed=7
-s initialLayerThickness=300
-s initialSpeedupLayers=4
-s inset0Speed=20
-s insetCount=2
-s insetXSpeed=20
-s layer0extrusionWidth=400
-s layerThickness=200
-s minimalExtrusionBeforeRetraction=20
-s minimalFeedrate=10
-s minimalLayerTime=0
-s moveSpeed=20
-s perimeterBeforeInfill=1
-s posx=45000
-s posy=55000
-s printSpeed=20
-s raftAirGap=0
-s raftAirGapLayer0=300
-s raftBaseLinewidth=1200
-s raftBaseSpeed=7
-s raftBaseThickness=500
-s raftFanSpeed=0
-s raftInterfaceLineSpacing=800
-s raftInterfaceLinewidth=400
-s raftInterfaceThickness=270
-s raftLineSpacing=3000
-s raftMargin=5000
-s raftSurfaceLayers=2
-s raftSurfaceLineSpacing=400
-s raftSurfaceLinewidth=400
-s raftSurfaceSpeed=7
-s raftSurfaceThickness=270
-s retractionAmount=4000
-s retractionAmountExtruderSwitch=16500
-s retractionMinimalDistance=1500
-s retractionSpeed=50
-s retractionZHop=500
-s skinSpeed=20
-s skirtDistance=0
-s skirtLineCount=0
-s sparseInfillLineDistance=4000
-s supportAngle=60
-s supportEverywhere=0
-s supportExtruder=-1
-s supportLineDistance=2666
-s supportType=1
-s supportXYDistance=700
-s supportZDistance=100
-s upSkinCount=6
-s startCode=;Print time: {print_time} M140 S0? M190 S0? M104 S210? M109 S210? G21? G90? M82? M106 S0? G28 X0 Y0? G28 Z0? G92 Z0? G1 Z15.0 F900? G92 E0? G1 F200 E10? G92 E0? M117 Printing
-s endCode=M140 S0? M104 S0? G91? G1 E-1 F300? G28 X0 Y0? M84? G90?
The only thing I don't see here is what G-code flavour to use, but according to the Gcode terminal in Octoprint it uses Marlin firmware.
Here are the start and end codes for your copy-and-paste enjoyment. I have removed
M140 and M190 which mean "set bed temperature" and "wait for bed temperature" respectively since this printer doesn't have a heated-bed,
M107 set the fan speed, it doesn't have a nozzle-fan,
M117 set text on LCD, which this printer doesn't have.
The G90 and the second to last G92 command could probably be omitted but i see no harm in leaving it there.
G28 X0 Y0
G28 Z0
G92 Z0
G1 Z15.0 F900
G92 E0
G1 F200 E10
G92 E0
The end-code only contains a single superfluous M140
M104 S0
G1 E-1 F300
G28 X0 Y0